Intelligence Certificate
…as meeting places UE 3.4 Competition and complementarity, secret diplomacy and Track Two UE 3.5 Counter-proliferation (CP) UE 4 Economic intelligence (12 h) UE 4.1 Economic intelligence and economic intelligence:…
…as meeting places UE 3.4 Competition and complementarity, secret diplomacy and Track Two UE 3.5 Counter-proliferation (CP) UE 4 Economic intelligence (12 h) UE 4.1 Economic intelligence and economic intelligence:…
…modest backgrounds to prepare for the external and/or 3rd competitive entrance exams to the IRAs by providing them with reinforced pedagogical support, financial assistance and special coaching. Accompaniment : Educational…
…Aix communication department is at your disposal for any request for information, interviews or expert opinions. Press room Contact Laurine Gondré Chargée de communication 04 65 04 70 11…
…and working methods; to prepare for category A administrative competitions. to diversify one’s fields of competence and possibly complete another range of knowledge and skills acquired through training or experience….
Admission requirements Access to the competition is exclusively reserved for candidates who have obtained their baccalaureate in the year of the competition or the previous year. Registration must be done…