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95Results for your search

Junior expert

…to apply Sciences Po courses on behalf of companies or administrations. These missions are open to all students provided that they join for free. Joining Junior Experts is an opportunity…

Aix Loquence

Aixloquence aims to develop the art of oratory within the School. It prepares and organises eloquence competitions such as the famous Prix Mirabeau – the inter-Sciences-Po eloquence prize. More broadly,…

IEP for everyone

This association allows students in their final year of high school preparing for the concours commun to receive help from Sciences Po Aix students. In addition, the association organises mock…

International Office

Between the reception of foreign students, its dual Franco-German curriculum and the third year dedicated to expatriation, international openness is THE credo of Sciences Po Aix. In charge of integrating…

Magali Nonjon

…and big data in administrative organisations, Informations sociales, 2016 Governing by computer architecturesspecial issue of the journal Gouvernement et action publique, volume 4, n°2, April-June 2015. Book chapters : Communication…

Master's in Cultural Policy and Patronage

…various communication tools to develop targeted action programmes Design tools to assess the actions carried out Identify digital uses and the impact of their evolution on the cultural sector Job…