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Entrance exam for the Sciences Po Aix degree in continuing education
Conditions of access This training is accessible to candidates aged 28 and over. It is subject to the requirement of a “Bac + 3” level. Candidates who do not have…
Key figures
…year Bac +5 equivalent to a Master’s degree 4 course (general, Franco-German, Air Force School, continuing education) 5 complementary establishment certificates 32 triple degree opportunities National diplomas 300 graduates per…
…Aix communication department is at your disposal for any request for information, interviews or expert opinions. Press room Contact Laurine Gondré Chargée de communication 04 65 04 70 11 laurine.gondre@sciencespo-aix.fr…
Study at Sciences Po Aix
…combining a solid general culture with methodological and disciplinary learning. The five-year degree develops analytical and decision-making skills based on a solid background in human and social sciences and specialised…
Masters 2 & Master's degrees | Opening of applications
…and changes in societies (Arab World, Mediterranean and Europe) Option Comparative political expertise Option Religion, politics and society > Information professions: communication, lobbying, media Option: Consulting, Influential Communication and Public…