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Talent + Prep

…on the competition programme they are aiming for, for example: contemporary issues / general culture ; economics public law ; public finance local government law public health ; summary note…..

Key figures

Students 1800 students 1100 students in the Diploma cycle 250 international students 230 competitive preparation students 250 new students per year in the Diploma 9 different entry routes from 1st…

Intelligence Certificate

…as meeting places UE 3.4 Competition and complementarity, secret diplomacy and Track Two UE 3.5 Counter-proliferation (CP) UE 4 Economic intelligence (12 h) UE 4.1 Economic intelligence and economic intelligence:…

Admission to General Preparation

…employees who meet the conditions for an internal or external category A competition. Tests Admission is decided by a pedagogical committee based on a study of the application file, which…

Philippe Aldrin

…six établissements universitaires. Philippe Aldrin assure la co-direction du Master tri-national Communication politique internationale et Risques démocratiques (CORIS), crée par Sciences Po Aix, l’UC Louvain en Belgique et l’Université de…