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Intelligence Certificate

…as meeting places UE 3.4 Competition and complementarity, secret diplomacy and Track Two UE 3.5 Counter-proliferation (CP) UE 4 Economic intelligence (12 h) UE 4.1 Economic intelligence and economic intelligence:…


…Aix communication department is at your disposal for any request for information, interviews or expert opinions. Press room Contact Laurine Gondré Chargée de communication 04 65 04 70 11 laurine.gondre@sciencespo-aix.fr…

Study at Sciences Po Aix

combining a solid general culture with methodological and disciplinary learning. The five-year degree develops analytical and decision-making skills based on a solid background in human and social sciences and specialised…

ENM Pre-Professional Application

…be submitted by any other means. Candidates who are not selected for the Prépa Commissariat aux armées, Prépa ENM or Prépa INSP will automatically be reoriented to the Prépa Générale….

Philippe Aldrin

…six établissements universitaires. Philippe Aldrin assure la co-direction du Master tri-national Communication politique internationale et Risques démocratiques (CORIS), crée par Sciences Po Aix, l’UC Louvain en Belgique et l’Université de…